About the books
Teachers’ Pocketbooks are easy-to-access professional development books for teachers and other education professionals working in primary and secondary schools, colleges and academies.
There are around 40 Teachers’ Pocketbooks in the series: cartoon-illustrated guides to good practice, designed to put you in the picture – fast.
Pocketbooks focus on helping you develop your professional knowledge and skills, whether you’re new to the profession or a battle-scarred veteran. With their refreshing visual humour and informative content, Pocketbooks are enjoyable, inspiring reads. You’ll pick up key ideas quickly and diagrams, bullets and illustrations will help you remember what you’ve read.
Underpinned by sound research, but highly practical in content, Teachers’ Pocketbooks cover the latest developments in teaching and learning and provide tips, tools and techniques for immediate use in your classroom with your students.
You could start with half a dozen core titles, (eg Behaviour Management, Assessment & Learning, Questioning Technique, Differentiation, Outstanding Lessons, and Dyslexia) and build up your collection as you go, or you could launch in right away and invest in the full paperback library.
Teachers’ Pocketbooks may be small in size but they carry enough weight to transform practice. One reviewer compared them with Dr Who’s TARDIS. Speaking about the Challenging Behaviours Pocketbook, she noted, ‘page upon page of sensible solutions, advice, information and facts until you believe that it must be three times the size’. We think you could say this about all of our books; see what you think…