Collaborative Learning Pocketbook (ebook only)

Gael Luzet


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“I really like it when we can talk in class,” says Kelly in Year 8, grinning from ear to ear when I suggest a group activity on a grey Monday morning. Although I suspect that she might like it for the wrong reasons, I know that there is a lot for her – and the other 29 students in the class – to learn in a structured co-operative learning context.’ Gael Luzet’s Pocketbook about small group work focuses on how ‘the power of more than one’ can transform learning. Like all good teaching and learning strategies, successful collaborative learning relies on meticulous planning and careful delivery, both of which are discussed here. Ideas for basic collaborative activities are included as well as practical examples of how to use various high impact strategies in lessons. You begin to see what lies behind Vygotsky’s words: ‘The one who does the talking does the learning’. And assessing and evaluating? Process and product; individual and team contributions; formative and summative approaches – they’re all covered.

Product Details


Gael Luzet

Formats Available

paperback, ebook

Publication Date


Paperback Pages


Paperback Dimension

105 x 148 x 7 mm

Paperback ISBN


eBook ISBN



“This book shows how collaborative learning can motivate students and enthuse teachers. It gives practical advice on how to use ‘the power of more than one’ to best effect, as well as how to avoid the potential pitfalls of group work. A really useful guide from an outstanding classroom practitioner.”
Pamela Rutherford, Headteacher, Enfield County School

“An excellent, ready-to-use guide packed with very specific and effective strategies for putting collaborative learning into practice. I particularly liked the fact that this Pocketbook is useful for both newly qualified and more experienced teachers.”
Anne-Laure Bazin, Head of MFL, Mounts Bay Academy