Independent Learning Pocketbook (EBOOK ONLY)

Peter Anstee


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‘The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled’ (Plutarch). The trouble is that, as much as we believe those words, we’re sometimes under such pressure to ‘deliver’ that we’re tricked into the spoon-feeding shortcut. We then become trapped, with our pupils, in an unhealthy cycle where we do more and more of the work and they rely on us more and more heavily.

The Independent Learning Pocketbook is about breaking that cycle and creating ambitious learners who are self-regulated, self-motivated, resourceful and resilient – learners with clear goals and direction and who use their initiative to achieve success.

Peter Anstee draws on a variety of research, as well as first-hand classroom experience and observation, in this clear-sighted look at how to inspire and nurture the people you teach to become lifelong learners.

Product Details


Peter Anstee

Formats Available

paperback, ebook

Publication Date

June 2015



Paperback Dimensions

A6 (105×148 mm)

Paperback ISBN


eBook ISBN



“This highly enjoyable and informative book is packed full of ideas for both new and experienced teachers. Not only does it offer strategies for creating independent learning, it also helps you to better understand the benefits for your students. I’ll be carrying it in my teaching bag.”
James Steptowe,
KS2 Teacher
Ghyllgrove Community Junior School

“Filled with practical examples of how to encourage our students to think and act more independently in the classroom, one activity at a time. Thinking about how to implement these strategies, as if by magic a range of varied (dare I say inspiring?) lessons started to take shape in my head. Yet Anstee’s book is not magic: it is the concrete common sense that every teacher needs.”
Leah Farel,
Head of Senior School English
St. John’s School, Billericay

“This gem of a pocketbook is an Aladdin’s cave of strategies for empowering students to drive their own progress, packed with succinct tips on how teachers can become inspirational facilitators of learning.”
Mark Wright,
Assistant Headteacher (Learning and Teaching)
Brentwood County High School