Lesson Observation Pocketbook EBOOK


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We are all familiar with the summative, Ofsted model of lesson observation where performance is judged according to external criteria. However, used formatively and creatively, lesson observation is a process that can support and professionally develop the observer as much as the observed. Observing colleagues teach and allowing them to observe us teach are among the most valuable and effective ways of improving our own practice. This is a practical book for all teachers. It covers being observed; learning to be a good observer – whether that’s to coach the colleague you are observing, to learn from what you see or to assess performance; participant observation; pair and trio observation; feedback; pupil observation and personalising observation for your own school/department/subject.

Product Details


paperback, ebook

Publication Date


eBook ISBN



Observation is the most powerful tool for becoming better at teaching. This super accessible book will help teachers get the most from the process, whether as observers or the people being watched.
Sara Bubb, Institute of Education, University of London

If you want to shift your focus from using observations to gauge teacher performance towards using observation to improve student progress, then this is the book for you. The guidance offered is sharp, sensitive and whole-heartedly recommended!
Paul Rowe, Deputy Headteacher, The Woodroffe School, Lyme Regis